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Friday, February 23, 2018

explanation of computer



The computer is a machine (mostly electronic) that is capable of taking information (input), and processes it to create new information. Machines calculated for human history are present. The computer is a programmable machine. Two main features of the computer: This responds to the specific instructions for a well-defined instruction and can implement the default list of this guide (a program). Early examples are astrolabeand abacus. The computer has four main processing steps, and they are: inputting, storage, outputting and processing.

Modern computers are very different from the initial computer. They can count billions of seconds per second. Most people have used a personal computer in their own home or work. The computer performs a lot of different tasks that are useful on automation. Some examples are controlling traffic lights, riding computers, security systems, washing machines and digital TVs.

A computer user can control it by user interface. Input devices include keyboard, mouse, buttons, and touch screens. Some of the sophisticated computers can also be controlled through voice commands or hand gestures or electrodes implanted in the brain or towel.

Computers can be designed to do almost anything with information. Computers are used to control large and small machines that were controlled by former humans. They are at home, where they are used to listen to music, read and write music.

Modern computers are electronic computer hardware. They do math mathematics very quickly but computers do not "think". They just follow the instructions of their software program. Software uses hardware when a user gives this guide, and gives useful product.

Computer programs are designed or written by computer programmers. Some programmers write the code writing programs in the computer's own language. Most of the programs are written using programming language using C ++, Java, and Fortran. These programming languages ​​are more like language, with which each conversation talks with each other. The computer translates user's instructions into a binary code (machine code) that the computer understands and needs to do.

Computers History

A computer is a programmable electronic device that performs mathematical and logical operations defined in high speed to accept data, and displays the results of these operations under the control of the software. Keyframes, desktops and laptop computers, tablets and smartphones are different types of computers. An electronic machine that helps quickly and easily solve problems. It solves problems according to the guidelines given by the computer or software that is called software called software. It's a digital machine (which uses binary numbers) in all areas


Often people have a problem with mathematics. To show this, try your head on 584 × 3,220. All the steps are hard to remember! People were reminded of the problems that the devices remembered them. The other problem is that they should try the same problem and try again. A cashier starts changing his head or paper piece every day. She took a long time and made a mistake. So, people did calculators who did such things. This part of the computer's history is called "automatic calculation history," which is "fancy phrase for history history, which makes it wrong with me to make mistakes without it."


People do not want a machine that can be done again. For example, a music box is a machine that plays fun music again. Some people wanted to be able to tell their machine to be different. For example, they wanted to ask music box every time they played various music. They wanted to be able to play the music box - order the music box to play various music. This part of computer history is called "History of programmable machines" which is "history of fans if I know that they can order a language to speak something". The hero was created by Alexandria (C. 10-70 AD). He built a mechanical theater, a game play 10 minutes long and the complex system of rope and drums. These rope and drums were Meshin's language - what they did after they machined and sometimes. Some people argue that this is the first programmable machine.

Historians do not disagree with which early machines are "computers". Many say that the "palace clock" is a astronomical clock, first known program analog computer invented by Al-Jazeera in 1206. Others say that the first computer was built by Charles Babe. [2] Al Jajari collects the solar and moon classes, a Moon moon shaped pointer on a gateway, which makes some doors to open every hour, [3] [4] and five robotic musicians play music while hit them. The length of day and night changes in the length of the day and night can be changed every day (AKA re-programmed). [2] Eda Lalele is considered the first programmer.

Computing era

At the end of the Middle Ages, Europeans have thought more importantly to have mathematical and engineering. In 1623, Wilhelm hunter made mechanical calculators. Other Europeaners followed him more calendars. They were not modern computers because they could add, decrease, and multiplied - you could not change they like to play some Tetris. Due to this, we can say that they were not programmable. Now engineers use computers to design and plan.

In 1801, Joseph Marie Zuckordard used paper paper card and what type of cloth was fabricated by him. What they can do to use punch cards and they could change punch cards, which means that they put them to the desired format. This means the lom was programmable.

Charles Babes wants to make a single machine that can calculate. He called it "analytical engine". [8] Because Babes did not have enough money because he had a good idea when he changed his design, he never made his analytical engine.

Computers were used more frequently after time consumed. People easily bored over and over the same thing. Imagine that your life goes to write items on the index index, store them, and then find them again. In 1890 the American Census Bureau had hundreds of people. It was expensive, and the reports took a long time. Then an engineer did how to work. Harmo Hollethe invented the tabletulent machine, which can automatically add information that the census bureau has been collected. His machines were computing tabletating recording companies (which later became IBM). Instead of selling them, the machines leased. The manufacturers of machines have long understood their users and were supposed to repair, and the CTR support support was especially good.

Analog and Digital Computers

In the first century of 20th century, scientists had used computers because most scientists had mathematical mathematics mathematical, and instead of spending hours, the number wanted to think about the same questions. For example, if they started to start the rocket ship, they needed a lot of mathematics to ensure that the rocket did the right thing. So they keep the computer together. These analog computers used analog circuits, which were made to be difficult in the program. In 1930, they invented digital computers, and soon they made the program easier.

High Scale Computers

Scientists asked about how to create and use digital computers in 1930 and 1940. Scientists made a lot of digital computers, and as they did, they asked how to ask them the right questions of the questions to get them more. Here are some computers that they have made:

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