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Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Sofia-Hansen Robotics

The latest and most advanced robots of Sofia Hossain Robotics and a cultural statue. That media is dying, appears to be about major media around the world, despite the age, gender and culture, ignoring people's interest, even the top fashion magazine is covered. His press coverage has more than one million readers in 2017.

Sophia is a high-demand speaker in the business and has shown her industry and many capabilities in many industries. He faces face with major decision makers in banking, insurance, auto-building, property development, media and entertainment. Apart from this, he has shown a panel as a panel member and a professor at a high level conference, how robotics and artificial knowledge will be the most important part of the lives of people. Her reputation expands the world into a trustworthy society. He was nominated by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) as the world's first UN innovative champion and will be a permanent role working with the UNDP, which promotes sustainable development and protects human rights and equality.

Sofia is a developed Genius machine. His unbelievable human equality, expression, and remarkable story form a fascinating charming page of page technology as a Jagaran robot.

Sophia's creator, Dr. David Hanson is the founder of Hanson Robotics and a modern-day renaissance person who created worldwide reputation for creating robots and stunning humans. After working in Disney "Imminator", Dr. Hassan will create genius talents that will pass human wisdom. Dr. Hassan assures that three specialty human qualities should be integrated into artificial intelligence of these talented machines: creativity, sympathy and kindness. As an extension of human intelligence, Hansen Robotics' talented machines can develop themselves to solve complications of the world even to complicate themselves. Sofia personalizes this bold and responsible goal.

Please follow the journey of Sophia to observe and develop artificial general intelligence (AGI) and trade, medical / health services, and service-oriented service in a attractive platform for robotics applications.

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