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Monday, February 19, 2018

How to increase cost per click (CPC) in Google AdSense

Adsense advertisers work through AdWords that they are willing to pay per click on their ads. You can click $ 0.10 or more per AdSense publisher, which is 10 per click. There are some tricks that helps to increase your CPC and you can make enough money.

There are some tips on how to pay more per click on AdSense.

1) Target high-paid keywords

Some keys pay more than others, and sometimes by a very large margin. Make sure your website targets high-paying keywords to benefit.

How to find high-paying Keywords

The most important step to increase cost-per-click for your AdSense ads is targeted for high-paid terms. For this reason, Google AdSense advertisers work by bidding keywords in Google AdWords programs, where all keywords are not such bids.

For keeping this, popular kittens get high bids, and less popular words are in less bid. To be highly paid words on the content of your website, that means the AdSense program is serving high-paying ads.

There are a few ways to search for high paid terms for Google AdSense. Some are listed below.

a) Google AdWords Keyword Tool
No better than any device from Google. The Google AdWords Keyword Tool is initially a tool for Google AdWords advertisers to get insight into keywords targeting search keywords, Google AdWords Advertiser Contests, and definitely showing relevant information about CPCs

b) Market Samurai
Market Samurai provides the same solution as the Google AdWords Keyword Tool, but it's a Windows program and is not free. Free trial is available

c) keyword country
This online tool gives keyword suggestions with estimated search volume and competitiveness of special keywords, but does not provide CPC for each keyword. This is a good tool because you can always compete as high-definition words

d) WordTracker
The WordTracker Keyword Tool provides a paid service for some of the free for the Google AdWords Keyword Tool.

2) Display relevant ads

There is no point in targeting a high-paid keyword on the website if Google AdSense could not find out about your website / page. This will display irrelevant ads that can not be properly paid or PSA (public service ads) that does not pay any. You can use section targeting feature in AdSense with some basic un-page SEOs for your website

3) Target higher payment areas

As keywords, ads targeted for certain areas may pay more than the other. Local ads in Denmark and Netherlands can pay more than local ads in Vietnam.

4) Display fewer ads

Google will show the highest payment ads in your first ad slot, low paid ads displayed in the previous slot. It might be good at the usual, to show less ads, but with more CPC for each ad, but less payers click more strategically and clicks.

5) Display both text and image ads
You only have the option to display text or image / media for your ad ad, or you can also choose to show both types. Google will display the highest paid ad without typing, so limiting the ad type will limit the amount you receive per click.

6) Do not allow smart pricing
Google extends ads to advertisements for you with significantly paying advertisements if it does not make a good conversion to advertisers for clicks from your site. It is called smart pricing and you will not affect your website

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