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Monday, January 15, 2018

The Blue Whale Gane

                         Blue Whale (game)

A teenage boy comes online online, The Blue Whale. He has given a challenge later. He completes every task and goes to the previous level. The last and final challenge asks him to commit suicide. He himself chooses on the building and on the top. If the illustration of the police can be believed, the four-year-old Mumbai's son died four days earlier. This is the first death in India, which is linked to an unknown game: Blue Whale
Image result for blue whale game

Standard 9 boys allegedly discussed games with their friends, they were told about the final phase. They thought when he told them, then he was joking, he no longer comes to school. This game is considered to be a teenage teenage teenage rock in Russia and here in the UK.
New Updates: Well, if you've already tried to find the game online, you know it's not publicly available. Administrators will be able to access the strictly controlled game. Recent reports suggest that the admins identify their victims and send them links, which are once opened on their phones, each device keeps an administrator on their device from their device.
For indirect, Blue Whale made the first time in Russia (around 2013) about 4 years ago and has killed more than 100 teenagers. Recent producers have been imprisoned for three years in jail for searching for teenagers in the internet, who is committed suicide to attend. The report, the game has brought challenges by cutting a wrist to watch scary movies in the middle of the night. Reports tell many young minds on such kind of manipulation.
In the comment of the first Blue Whale death in India, Mumbai based clinical psychologist and writer Samera Hingarani said, "I was not suffering from deep depression," he hugged him perfectly for the virtual game like Blue Whale, which provides adventure and gives him his realistic Helped to disturb the pain of life. "
What makes children harmful and weak? "The teens are also going through internal conflicts, facing these questions, what are you?" Says Fortis Hospital, a Delhi-based Samir asset, director of the mental health and behavior science department. 'I like it?' 'Do my friends find me well?' 'Am i alone?' They are the best goals for such games that look for harmful teenagers who accept adolescents, acceptance and meditation for friends. "The game is moving forward to work with you, to increase self-esteem and send positive strokes. And in that adrenaline crowd, they forget that it is coming to cost of their lives.
Parents, be careful
The teenager's brain can be complicated and confused. New Francisco Scientist and author Dr. Frances Jensen has his book 'The Teenage Brain: A Neurotistist's Life Guard Guide', to raise juvenile and brain, 80% structure in teenage brain and adult brain work. He compared the teenage brain to a driver who could drive a car, but still does not know how to use brake to stop it.
Doctor CMA shares, "Many adolescents have asked me about loneliness. They are very busy for their parents and they have no friends. I recently came to the age of 16 and did not want to live for them." According to them, they themselves themselves themselves love themselves themselves. Has said.
What can parents do?
The use of a medium frequency by online teenagers and anonymous usage increases the likelihood of experimentation. Also, it is easy accessible without monitoring, which makes it dangerous and cares at the same time.
Dr Seema share:
Parents should be talking to the kids. Interested in your child's activity.
Give them space to not make their feelings feel.
Never forget your teenager to stay dry, crying or sticking. Try to find out why after unusual behavior. For example, the depressed belly may be a sign of concern. of anxiety.

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