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Tuesday, February 20, 2018

A couple who loved each other truly had to get married to someone else due to family pressure. How do they feel about it now?

One couple loved each other, really because of family pressure someone should be married. How do they feel about it now?

I was about 8 years old. My family helped us but their family did not. The reason was very common "caste". Their family did not leave any choice for us and ultimately blackmailed them and took some of them married to their cast. It has been 2 years of marriage.

I'm sharing without sharing the different stages of her life.

During the month of marriage: I can not cry. I understand what I lost. My eyes were sitting in the bus while traveling to the office. 10 Kgs in the month KG Lack of weight loss could not be taken as food and became very weak. I could not sleep, I finally realized that I was suffering from Anandra. FB, WhatsApp and any type of social activity stopped using.

After 2 months of marriage: After getting married for the first time, I asked if I was not a beloved person. He had changed. My uncertainty continues. My old messages were the only option to read and view their pictures. Because of weakness, I could not stand while pying. My roommates started to care for me.

After 6 months of marriage: I started focusing on my pocket. But I did not have zero zero. I recovered from Andandra and could not sleep for 5-6 hours. Most negative things came in this period. My biggest fear was that he forgot me. I can not wait for her call but never found. At this time, sometimes I hate to hate her. He hated his ignorance. He hated for happy life. He hated for the promise of broken. Even imagined to hate sex with them. Having hatred, hate and love. I was struggling for my inner peace.

After 1 year marriage: I did not decide to meditate on it. I also had other goals. I started completing them. The keyboard (piano) included in the GYM is learning. More tour started. Start controlling those bad feelings. He started making himself more busy but still he had tried a lot of vacancy and could not do anything (I actually tried). Social Activity and Active FB, started to WhatsApp. Goes to credit partners who helped me get out of that stage

Current Time: I have accepted the statistics. I started getting big dreams. I've been more focused on, more practical and able to control my feelings. The only thing I can not do is erase his messages (possibly I see old love while reading). Although they call only one call (6-7 above) I never received such feelings. I feel that person I died and I live with it. I'm not too weak, sad and worried. I learned from life and started to enjoy again.

"The time ALMOST does not cure all things"

Edit: Which of you asked about her condition. She was not good at her wedding time too. But after marriage she is doing a good job. She is enjoying her life. Before marriage, the situation of the house was not good. Only members of each family hate this. Although her husband does not know about us, she got emotional support from her husband. This is what I said about the last conversation. Do not know what's happening now We are not in contact with 8-9 months ago. In the last call, he mentioned that he does not want to be contacted with me because he can create a problem, and he only wants his husband and his new family. Now, I'm quite mature to accept her decision

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